Archibald Entry 2008
“The character within the man” John Stanton
Oil on canvas 1260 x 1760mm, 2006 -2207
One of only 30 paintings chosen and exhibited in, “The Hidden Faces of the Archibald” 2008, at the Grand Hyatt, Melbourne.
Artist: Kenneth S Hunt
Subject: John Stanton: - Acclaimed Australian Actor, Well known TV & Theatre performer and voice over specialist.
Artist’s Statement
I decided to approach John Stanton and ask him if he would be willing to be the subject of a painting I would create purely for a major art competition either the Archibald or the Doug Moran. John is an acclaimed actor, he is the most recognizable public figure I know, and he is a person I have known and respected for many years. I approached John in March 2006 and he was only too happy to help and he agreed to a casual interview/sitting where a few photos could be taken.
The sitting and informal chat over a cup of tea went well but I was unhappy with the photos I had taken and had to re-approach John for another sitting. The several photos taken during the second sitting were better and one was exactly what I was looking for and that then became the basis for my painting.
The painting was designed to capture ‘The character within the man’. This character has made him one of Australia’s finest actors, and in this lifelike painting I believe I have done what I set out to do.
John usually plays a strong or serious character and has a commanding presence about him while acting. There is a softer more gentle side to John that is evident in the relaxed environment at his home with his wife Jill and dog Tom, although the strong serious character is ever present. John loves his study and books and often shares the space with his loyal friend and companion Tom, I think John also likes the solitude here where he can read and find a little peace in his mind away from the intense nature of his job as an actor and speaker.
It was a privilege to have been able to spend a short time with John in his study to enable me to see and feel the personality of the man in his personal space. That assisted me greatly in being able to create a painting that has a depth which goes beyond a mere two dimensional picture and put into it a little bit of the personality of the man.
The painting has been totally hand painted in Oils on a large stretched canvas using my unique form of lifelike realism. The painting was created over a period of seven months and I am very satisfied with the end result, my best work to date.
*For those who love my work and want to assist me but don't want to buy a painting or a print. Here you can make a donation and no matter how small it is please know that it will be greatly appreciated and will assist me to be able to continue my artwork.

Original Painting -
Current price - NOT FOR SALE
Hi quality artist produced, individually created on rag paper.
A4 $50
A3 $125
A2 $295
* Custom sized prints are available please contact artist
for size and price.